Graphic Design

Graphic design is a visual component of solving problems by communicating ideas through images, colors, and videos. It is a craft where people and professionals create visual content to communicate.

Basically, it uses visual hierarchy, typography, and quality images to meet users’ specific needs and focus on the logic of displaying elements.

Designing the layout of a magazine, creating a poster for a theater performance, and designing packaging for a product are all examples of graphic design.

The term “graphic design” first appeared in a 1922 essay by William Addison Dwiggins called “New Kind of Printing Calls for New Design.” As a book designer, Dwiggins coined the term to explain how he organized and managed visuals in his works.

graphic design

Types of Graphic Design

There are basically two types of computer graphic Design. One is raster graphics, and the other is vector graphics.

  • Raster graphics: A raster graphic is defined separately, as in digital photographs.
  • Vector graphics: This is the art form of using mathematical formulas to draw shapes and lines.

Therefore, many types of Graphic Design we use in our daily lives-

  • Brand Identity Design
  • Packaging Design
  • Web and User Interface Design
  • Motion Graphics and Animation Design
  • Illustration Design

Brand Identity Design

Logo design is the only aspect of design that is not brand identity. Usually, a brand designer is responsible for crafting the visual identity of the company they work for, such as the logo, color palette, and graphic elements.

Designers also create the entire look-to-feel-good company’s visual presence. As part of this, they decided to create a color palette and images the company will use.

Packaging Design

Most products require a packaging Design to protect and identify them. Every product has its own unique packaging Design for product marketing and brand value.

Packaging Design creates a concept develops a mock-up, and creates the print-ready file for the product. It requires a higher level of knowledge of the industrial design and manufacturing print processes.

Every box, bottle, bag, can, container, or canister is a chance to tell a brand’s story.

Web and User Interface Design

The web user interface (UI) creates the visual components that users interact with to perform certain website or web application tasks. User experience (UX) stands for ‘user experience’ and relates to how users feel whenever they interact with a product or service. UI stands for ‘user interface’, specifically referring to the touchpoints a person uses to engage with a digital product.

Right now, Web and user interface Design are the most commonly used design skills in the graphic design industry. We are all daily users of Web and User Interface Design. Every internet sector developer and company is seeking a UI/UX designer.

Motion Graphics and Animation Design

Motion graphics are animations with text as a major component. Motion graphic Design is also called motion design, which combines design with animation and filming, video production, and techniques of filming.

Animation design is a field of graphic design that involves creating moving images in the form of 2D/3D or 3D. It is the art form of visual storytelling that brings characters and stories to life through animation and sound.

This form of art brings back memories of childhood cartoons and movies. Nowadays, motion and animation graphics have brought new solutions to the design industry.

Illustration Design

An illustration is a visualization that an artist makes. The goal of illustration is to explain something by drawing, photographing, collaging, etc. An illustration might either complement a story (like a photograph in a newspaper) or completely remove the need to add text (like an infographic).

Illustrations are often included in web, marketing, and brand design. Some designers focus solely on offering illustrations and will work with larger design teams, contributing individual assets for various projects.

Illustrators may design visual assets for:

  • Children’s books
  • Websites
  • Marketing campaigns
  • Video and interactive media
  • Social media

Illustration style and the design process can vary drastically from designer to designer.

What Are the Elements and Principles of Graphic Design?

The elements and principles of graphic design are line, shape, form, texture, space, imagery, typography, and color.



Lines are often more than just a series of points joined together. Lines may help coordinate details, describe forms, indicate movement, and express emotions depending on their form, weight, duration, and meaning. Designers have a lot of choices when it comes to choosing the right lines for their designs.



Graphic design better interprets shapes as fields, structures, or figures bounded by a border or closed diagram. Any graphic artist should be familiar with two kinds of shapes: linear and organic.



Making Your shape three-dimensional gives it form, another essential of graphic design. Just like shapes, organic or geometric shapes create a very different impact.



The consistency of a surface is described by its texture, which may be hairy, smooth, gritty, soft, spongy, or shiny. Most graphic designers would physically express texture by using projections to simulate how their art would feel if audiences could touch it. Texture is a vital aspect of making projects look smooth and competent.



Spacing is an essential component of every designer’s set of tools. It will allow a design more breathing space, maximize its visual effect, smooth out heavy visual elements, and highlight images or messages that audiences can recall. A concept that needs more space risks being too physically cluttered for the audience to appreciate.



If graphic designers use portraits or drawings, they focus on visuals to capture the attention of their viewers and convey unique messages. A picture functions on several levels simultaneously:

  • It gives meaning to a designer’s communication
  • It needed suspense or action
  • It has an overall atmosphere


If you’re selecting a font or designing your lettering for a graphic design project, the style you choose must be legible and suitable for the topic. Since type influences the overall mood of a design, decide whether the letters should be printed or text and if they might have pointed or round edges.



Color theory and the color wheel are useful tools for graphic designers who choose to use a single color or mix several colors harmoniously or purposefully discordantly.

Benefits of Graphics Design

As graphic design becomes more prominent, many small businesses are turning to graphic designers and graphic design firms to help them produce marketing materials and other pieces they need to grow.

Graphics are one of the most powerful tools in a marketer’s arsenal, and it is no surprise that businesses are looking for ways to improve their brand’s outreach and visibility using quality graphic design.

To start, here are some benefits of graphic design that can help small businesses:


It helps in building brand identity

Brand identity is the visual aspect of a brand. This includes logo, color, font choice, image, etc. Graphic Design Make Your Brand a unique concept for your product to reach out to your consumers easily.


It gives your brand a personality

Putting artistic elements into your brand identity through custom graphic design can elevate consumers’ perceptions of your product. Every brand has its unique colors and design. Graphic Designers are responsible for creating brand value by designing attractive product designs and logos that can make your brand personality.


It helps you reach your target market

By Designing more attractive product designs and brand colors, consumers will appear to gravitate toward your products because they are more comfortable and reliable.


It helps build brand awareness

Brand awareness is about how much your consumers recognize your brand. This brand recognition will greatly impact their purchasing decisions and could make them stick to your brand. Graphic design can apply different design applications to your brand identity to make it more recognizable and memorable to your consumers.


It’s a great persuasion tool

Since people’s perception of visual design can often be subjective, it can subtly manipulate consumers’ emotions, tell them what to do, etc. Graphic design can communicate to your consumers in a way that will make them pick your brand over a competitor through eye-catching imagery.



1. What is an example of a graphic design?

Examples of marketing graphic design are-

  •  Magazine and newspaper ads
  •  Posters, banners, and billboards
  •  Infographics
  •  Brochures (print and digital)
  •  Vehicle wraps
  •  Signage and trade show displays
  •  Email marketing templates

2. What is the main purpose of graphic design?

Graphic design aims to create visually appealing products that convey certain messages or information.


3. What is the difference between animation and motion graphics?

While motion graphics describes moving or animated graphic design, animation is an umbrella term for moving imagery, including everything from cartoons to Claymation.

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